Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Online education: ....and it happens

It doesn't come as a surprise but here we are. MIT has taken the steps of Standford University and we will be expecting their schedule any moment from now. They have already made their intention to conduct online courses known, and it is already on their website click here.

Soon the list of courses will be released. It is really gonna be a great time for me and similarly hungry people around the world.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Do java reverse engineering with cavaj

Yes, they say that reverse engineering is the science of decomposing any engineered piece with a view of composing it again, right?

Quite rightly, viewing java class file (*.class) are the best ways to reverse engineer java applications.

Severally I have been faced with a task of integrating complex systems, most of them java-based proprietary system. Since companies of proprietary system will never put resources of their product on the net, I mostly result to taking down the entire application, cross-checking log files with the decompiled class file and sooner than I imagine, I am able to imagine the system internals mentally. That is where the solution begins.

You may check cavaj for yourself here.

We should note that cavaj is not good for those who don't yet have basic understanding of java programming language. The code produced by cavaj is not equivalent to the java source that produced it. No annotations, documentations, String addition with the "+" operator are changed to StringBuilder(...).append(...) mechanism, inner class are changed to class_name$inner_class_name, anonymous inner class are changed to class_name$number (like 1,2,..), constants are replaced with their values and many others like that.

For those who love reverse engineering in java, enjoy cavaj.